Good hygiene of the scalp (and hair) is important to your overall health. I talk…

On this episode of The Lisa Valentine Clark Show, linked here, we talk about why you may be experiencing temporary hair loss, and whether or not you should panic about it. (You shouldn’t.)
High Stress Situation: Have you recently gone through a period of extreme stress? Expect to lose more hair than normal about 30 to 90 days later.
Surgical Procedure: Similar to a high stress situation, if you’ve had a surgical procedure done, you may experience high amounts of hair loss about 30 to 90 days afterward.
Taking Medication: There are many medications that can affect hair loss, but blood pressure medication is one that I commonly see with clients.
Weight Loss: If you drastically changed your diet or lost a significant amount of weight recently, expect to see more hair loss than normal.
Giving Birth: You will lose lots of hair about 3-6 months after giving birth, or 3-6 months after you stop breastfeeding. This is normal and generally not a cause for concern.
Thyroid Problems: Problems with your thyroid can significantly affect the amount of hair you lose. A visit to your doctor can help your get your thyroid checked and regulated.
Iron Deficiency: I noticed small bald spots on a few clients the past couple years and, after checking their blood, they found out that they were anemic. After their doctors put them on iron pills, the bald spots filled back in.
Having some basic blood tests done by your doctor is always a good first step when you’re experiencing long periods of above average hair loss. For a little more explanation about these causes listed here, and what you can expect time-wise on getting your hair to grow back, you can read my other blog post here.