Need some ideas to change up your hair this season? Hear me talk about what’s trending for fall in hairstyles and haircolor on The Lisa Show. Click here. (We talk about men’s cuts too!)
Need some ideas to change up your hair this season? Hear me talk about what’s trending for fall in hairstyles and haircolor on The Lisa Show. Click here. (We talk about men’s cuts too!)
The trend in beauty has changed from obvious contour and highlight to subtle and natural reflective tones and that carries over to haircolor as well. We’re not talking about getting rid of the dimension in your hair, you still want to see some highs and lows, but the overall finish is more monochromatic to the […]
As a professional colorist, I don’t recommend doing haircolor unless you’ve been trained. There are a lot of things that can go wrong when you color your own hair. It would take me about 1,500-2,000 hours to really explain (the number of hours required for cosmetology school, get it?), but I can tell you a […]
On this segment of The Lisa Valentine Clark Show, linked here, we talk about what’s trending in hair for women and men including accessories, color, facial hair and even perms. Click the link above to listen to the segment, or read more about current trends in this blog post linked here.
Until a few years ago, most people I talk to had never even heard of Pantone, let alone knew what they do. Being in the beauty & fashion industry, the name definitely gets tossed around. But to be honest, I probably only know who they are because my business partner, Annie, grew up in her […]